Boost Open Rate by at least 40% for Your SaaS Product by Leveraging Our Email Sequence for Online Appointments

4 Pillars of our email writing approach

Template description

To some, the concept of crypto may be novel even though it has been around for quite some time. Many companies have begun looking into cryptocurrency in the past decade, and many have dabbled in it, but they haven’t fully explored its potential.
A crypto industry disruptor was looking for potential partners to advance their international payment product, so a marketing email campaign was drafted and sent on their behalf.

Wave 1: Setting your tool apart from competitors

We started our outreach with the referral approach to increase our chances of being heard by other related people in the company who can impact the decision to try out our product. We focused on what differentiates our tool from competitors, describing some of its main benefits and finishing up with a call to action that leaves room for future dialog. 

Email 1

Subject Line 1: You or {{Referral_Name}}?
Subject Line 2: Microsoft- and PDF-optimized translator at {{Company}}
Subject Line 3: {{Company}}’s multilingual communication

Hi {{FirstName}},

Are you the right person at {{Company}} to discuss an alternative to traditional translation software for NGOs? Let me know if I should contact {{Referral_Name}}.

We’ve already helped NGOs translate 20+ file formats instantaneously with a tool optimized for Microsoft and Adobe to preserve the document’s formatting. Also, unlike much other translation software, {{Sender’s_Company}} ensures security and confidentiality. Moreover, it comes with various time-saving features. Our users claim that {{Sender’s_Company}} has improved their translation production time by over 250%.

I’ve got tons of other insights regarding safety and consistency I’d like to share with you. Do you have any time slots this or next week for a brief chat?

Thanks for your consideration

Wave 2: Follow up quickly and to the point

The second email is usually a short follow-up. Here, we reminded our prospect of the previous note while briefly describing our value. 

Email 2

Hi {{FirstName}},

Just making sure you haven’t missed my previous email on a Google Translate alternative for NGOs optimized for Microsoft and Adobe and able to translate 20+ formats.

It would be great to have a brief chat next Thursday. Do you have any time slots?

Talk soon

Wave 3: Time to polish the value proposition

The third wave is usually great for introducing additional value or benefit to your prospects. We expanded on our initial product positioning and provided extra insights that might be helpful for the prospect.

Email 3

Subject Line 1: Translate and preserve 20+ formats
Subject Line 2: AI-powered Google Translate alternative
Subject Line 3: Secure Google Translate alternative for NGOs

Hi {{FirstName}}, hope you’re well. 

Just to recap, our AI-powered translation software provides instantaneous solid raw translation prior to any proofreading/post-editing. As opposed to an average of 3 days to translate the documents through a language service provider!

Also, it can translate 20+ formats and has no file size limitation. You can translate batches of documents all at once.

Though it has an incredibly intuitive interface, you can find lots of YouTube tutorials on how to use all the tools.

I’ve got much to tell about its use specifically for NGOs. Are you up for a brief chat next Thursday?

Talk soon

Wave 4: The perfect ending

In the final email, we followed up with the prospect and demonstrated the importance of our tool once again. We introduced new information and outlined points we hadn’t mentioned before, hoping that might resonate with the prospect better. 

Email 4

Hi {{FirstName}},

I’m reaching out one last time to make sure you’ve received my previous emails. Also, I wanted to highlight that our cloud-based translation platform allows you to easily co-edit translations with colleagues. With change tracking, you can see who and where made the changes. Best of all, you can quickly message and share a translation with someone within your organization without leaving the {{Company}} interface.

How about a quick talk next Thursday?



This email sequence is a great example of targeted, audience-specific outreach in the SaaS industry. When you set about writing your emails, think about your prospects first. Don’t forget to mention what sets you apart from your competitors and introduce proof of your expertise and credibility. Hope this will help, and with wishes for successful campaigns, Serrano 23 Team


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